by Taetske | 3:05 pm

Why Smart Diapers Are Very Bad For Your Baby

  Diapers II, this is unbelievable, technology harms your baby   Recently I wrote a post on diapers, and how diapers pose a health risk to little babies. Store-bought diapers are full of toxic

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by Taetske | 5:10 pm

How To Check The Aluminum Overload In Your Life

  Be careful with the overload of aluminum in your life   Modern life poses many problems, and one of them is the overload of aluminum in our system. I have written a post

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by Taetske | 2:39 pm

Diapers, a Danger for Babies and the Environment

  How safe are Babys diapers?   A new baby is born into the family bringing great joy to the parents, perhaps brothers and sisters and the grandparents from both sides. Of course, the

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by Taetske | 3:30 pm

Warning, The Threat Of The Opioid Epidemic

The epidemic of Opioid Overdose in the U.S.   Before we dive into this problem and the consequences, I would like to tell you a bit about the history of opium.   The story

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by Taetske | 2:48 pm

What You Can Do In The Battle Against EMF Radiation

  Protect your family against EMF Radiation   How Wi-Fi influences your life and harms your health In these modern times, we are literally surrounded by radiation. Most of these sources, we unknowingly introduce

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by Taetske | 1:47 pm

Nutrients In Food Are Killed In The Microwave Oven

  The danger of using a Microwave oven   I subscribe to the newsletter GreenMedinfo. The information they provide is always very good, the articles are long and detailed, and filled with valuable links.

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by Taetske | 3:47 pm

Botox, The Most Dangerous Substance In The World

  Botulinum toxin or Botox is a neurotoxic protein     There are 8 types of botulinum toxin, named type A to H Type H is the deadliest substance in the world. Two billionths

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by Taetske | 7:42 pm

13 Areas to Improve and Make your Home Green

Tips to Get a Greener Home   One should really stop a moment to think about how one could improve one’s living space. I have come upon some good tips on how you can

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by Taetske | 8:06 pm

Is it Dangerous to live in the Age of Aluminum?

  First a bit about the history of Aluminum     Some unusual facts about aluminum The Greeks and Romans used aluminum salts as astringents for dressing wounds, but until the modern era, metallic

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by Taetske | 2:51 pm

BEWARE OF FRONTLINE ! Your pets are in serious danger.

How Toxins also affect our dear Pets     Our pets are also at risk I have been writing quite a few posts on the dangers in our daily life. Some of these are

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