Getting older is ok, the question is how


As one gets older, is it a requirement and an inescapable fact that one has to suffer from Cancer, Heart disease, Dementia/Alzheimer’s? As time progresses, we will add sub-pages to this page that talk about specific ways to help improve your health. Links to these sub-pages are located at the bottom of this page.



This is such a dreaded word. The moment your doctor says “you have cancer”, hope is annihilated.  When hope is absent, one gives up. There are so many things that one can do to prevent this from happening. Even if one is diagnosed with cancer, there are ways to reverse the spread and growth of cancer cells. Hope is to be encouraged.


Chemotherapy and radiation

Mainstream medicine will convince (or force) the patient into surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments. The fact is, chemotherapy is an attempt to kill off the cancer cells before the drug kills the patient.

Many times it does not succeed in killing off cancer. Sometimes, cancer mutates to become immune to the specific chemo-treatment. The patient may have to undergo several treatment formulations, but after a number of attempts, the body will develop multiple drug resistance and at this point, chemotherapy is useless.

By this time, your own immune system has been destroyed. Your immune system needs to be strengthened because it is this system that will ultimately defeat this disease.


The Truth about Cancer series

However, there are options. In 2015, I followed the “Truth About Cancer” health talks. This was a series of 11 video presentations sponsored by Ty Bollinger. Ty lost seven (7) family members to cancer. Here you can read what Wikipedia says about Ty. I like many of the things he says but there are some I do not agree with. Anyhow, form your own opinion.

Now he dedicates his life to finding alternative solutions to this killer. He travels worldwide gathering information from scientists and cutting-edge cancer treatment specialists who inform him of the many options available aside from traditional medicine.

Currently, Ty is working on several projects. He helped on a 7 part docuseries about the dangers of vaccines. This series was launched on April 12 and it is set to relaunch on August 17th through August 23rd. Each of the 7 episodes will stay up and free to watch for 24 hours only.

If you missed the series, the first time or want to watch it again, make sure you check back in and I will update this site to include a link to the videos. Here you have an interview with Ty.

Safety Testing Vaccines?


It is a great time to take a serious look at this topic. There are important things to consider, such as immunization of our children before they attend public schools. And if one chooses to not immunize their children, will they be banned from public schools or school activities? Homeschooling is always an option and some people even teach children that are not their own.

Stay informed on this topic, visit my recent post, and join the summit for free.


An afterthought

Time has passed, and we have arrived at the end of May 2021. One and a half years of a “Pandemic” in which many things went wrong. People losing their jobs, health, family members, and got so desperate that they committed suicide. I wonder if we could have mostly avoided all of this.

There has been a lot of negative press about Ivermectin but I came across the following news. Have a look.

Was the approach taken towards this declared “Pandemic” the correct one? I really doubt that. Time will tell if there is a hidden reason that might come to light in the future. I wrote a post for my other website, here is the link.

Nowadays, more than ever, it is obvious that you have to take care of your immune system. It forms part of your make-up as a human. It is a gift and we are responsible for its function by leading a healthy lifestyle and eating the right foods.


  1. What are the Best Ways to Optimize Your Brain Health
  2. Be at Your Best With Healthy Foods
  3. Improve Your Well Being With Great Recipes



Thanks for this information. Very interesting.

May 11.2017 | 04:47 am


    I am happy that you find the information interesting and useful. Thank you for reading Ryanne, Regards, Taetske

    May 11.2017 | 06:27 am


I understand and agree with what you are saying, though I think the question as to whether to vaccinate your children or not is a very difficult one – unless it can be proved categorically that the vaccines are dangerous.

May 15.2017 | 06:38 am


    Good afternoon Diana,

    Thank you for visiting my website.
    I personally think that in the future more evidence will be known to the public about the dangers of vaccines.
    The most important thing is that we have full information so one can make a choice.
    At the moment still too many things are hidden by big Pharma and the FDA, they do not seem to care about health, they care about profit.

    Regards, Taetske

    May 15.2017 | 11:15 am

Don Yutuc

Thanks Taetsme! I bookmarked your website! I will eat up all your content!
Cheers! – Don with WA

Jun 19.2017 | 12:01 pm


    Good afternoon Don,

    Thank you for visiting my website. Now be careful to not eat too much at once less it should cause indigestion.
    It is nice to hear there are people interested in healthy living as nowadays we often turn away from nature.

    Regards, Taetske

    Jun 19.2017 | 01:07 pm


Cancer is indeed the last word one want to hear. But directly and indirectly, lots of people get involved in it. Like you say, hope and the will is already 50% of the healing proces.
I already follow for a while the “Truth about cancer” and i can everybody recommend it to do it.

Jul 23.2017 | 07:27 am


    Good Morning Philip,

    Thank you for visiting my website. Cancer is one of the big “Illnesses” of our modern time. I am convinced that our modern lifestyle is mainly to blame.
    We eat man made foods which cause inflammation in the body and then on the long run our immune system can not cope with it anymore. An other big problem is the water which is contaminated and the air idem ditto, there we should all together work on but one can see how difficult it is to make countries agree on new regulations. Only with food we can really decide what we put into our mouth. The whole health care setup is mainly focused on earning money, not on our health. Therefore it is so important that we are informed instead of being pushed into a certain direction, being informed means you yourself decide what will happen to you. I have followed Ty Bollinger since 2014 and I fully agree with him, there are multiple alternatives out there but you will have to look for it yourself.In case you come back I can recommend the page on the Sacred Plant.

    Regards, Taetske

    Jul 23.2017 | 07:47 am


Hello Taetske, I plan on reading everything you have on your site. As for cancer I have had experience in helping others through this tragic disease. My current partner Larry went through hell from radiation treatments on his legs from skin cancers and he has literally been battling the wounds for over 2 years now. Ended up with a bone infection back in December and the wounds from the radiation have still not healed. My ex is also currently battling a new spot (metastisized) on his liver which started as a rare eye cancer over 20 years ago. Both of his sisters passed from cancer (one breast one ovarian). Also, many clients throughout my 30+ years of work. Tragic and sad that more healthier lifestyle options are not highlighted enough by the medical community for prevention, maintenance and cure.

Aug 18.2017 | 04:41 pm


    Good evening Cynthia,

    Thank you for visiting my website. It is awful to read what you and your loved ones had to go through. Your partner Larry is still suffering from the consequences of radiation treatments on his legs. I am not a doctor so my advice comes purely from life experiences. I am now 67 and have made a few. It actually started with my mother who had uterus cancer in 1972. She was treated with radiation and got burned inside. She then started to read about alternative treatments. She prescribed herself, for a whole year, so only eat Speise Quark=cottage cheese or similar and the powder of beet roots. This powder came from German as at that time one could not buy it in Holland. This regime, being close to a fasting cure, gave her body the rest to restore its immune system. After that year she never ate any man made food again. She would often use her pendulum to check if a certain food would be ok for her.
    She died in Feb. 1997, so that is many years later and it was nothing cancer related as far as I know.
    If I were Larry I would do the following things. Have 2 drops of Cannabis oil a day. Drink a glass of water with clay. I wrote a post on about the use of clay, I even give it to my animals. Clay is intelligent, goes to where it is needed and can even absorb radioactivity. I have written a guest post on somebody’s website, this one was on the use of Urine Therapy. Go to my page on Guest Writers on the other website, there you will find the link to her website and my article. Also, the use of Aloe Vera might be beneficial for wounds, you will have to see what works best. With the Urine Therapy or the Aloe Vera, it is important to not take all the gauze away from the wounds as it would reopen and interfere with the healing process. Just apply new on top every day.

    Wishing you all the best.

    Regards, Taetske

    Aug 18.2017 | 05:19 pm


      Hi Taetske,

      I believe in diet therapy too. I hope that there will be a cure for cancer soon. My mother died from cancer too. It is a terrible disease. I applaud your mom for eating nothing but Speise Quark=cottage cheese and the powder of beet roots for an entire year!

      Sep 21.2017 | 09:58 am


        Good afternoon Yvonne,

        Thank you for leaving a comment on my website.
        Cancer is an awful word and in our modern times with the often wrong eating habits so many people fall victim to this condition. Our body gets out of balance and then the immune system cannot cope with it anymore. The more I read and investigate on healthy alternatives the more I am convinced we can do a lot ourselves to keep healthy. We should not bee too influenced about the outside world and bad habits, the more we listen to our body the better it is. Wishing you good health and hope to see you again.

        Regards, Taetske

        Sep 21.2017 | 12:16 pm


Hi Taetske. I must confess that this is a really interesting subject and I completely agree with you. I have listened to Ty interview, a real-life story and I am really glad you have this opportunity to discover the truth. Thank you. 

It is always good to know about anything as long are we live on this planet. I have no idea about this Ivermectin I am honestly grateful for finding this out. Thank you again. My question is why they haven’t disclosed to the population that this drug, that its Use can possibly end Covid-19 Pandemic. Astonishing! Really controversial.

May 26.2021 | 04:46 pm


    Good Morning Angel,

    Thank you for your visit and for your comment. Nice to see you again. Do you remember you can download a free PDF of your choice at the tulip widget?

    You ask me why Ivermectin is not known to the population? This very cheap drug exists for many years. BigPharma/Vaccine Companies would not be able to earn the billions they are earning thanks to Covid-19. One should not forget that ailments are big business.

    It seems if Ivermectin is given in the beginning stage of the illness it shortens the duration considerably. If you take it before getting ill, you strengthen your immune system.

    Regards, Taetske

    May 27.2021 | 07:03 am

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