Recommendations is a special page for my visitors


The reason I made this page is that my sidebar was getting too full. My better half is very good at making homemade widgets which are really pretty, so I did not want to lose them. That is why I made this page of my recommendations.

Some widgets are from the companies themselves, and others are made by Michael. Most of these widgets will have an Affiliate link. In case you decide to go shopping, there is no added cost for you.


Companies that offer protection

There are various things you can do to reduce the harmful radiation emitted by your cell phone and computer. Have a look at what this company has on offer. Another helpful thing is to install a Himalayan Salt lamp in your working space.

You might be interested to read my post on Smart Diapers. I do not understand such products are on the market harming babies. We are not right in our heads to let this happen.


DefenderShield EMF Protection



Dr. Sears is a world-known anti-aging doctor with a clinic in Florida. He travels worldwide visiting faraway places to discover health-giving protocols. He befriends tribes where he learns about all nature has to offer for health and beauty.


Bottle of Restore face Serum


Supplements for a healthy body

Even if you think you eat a healthy diet, you might miss out on important minerals and vitamins. 50 to 100 years ago the soil where farmers grew their crops was rich in all the important nutrients these crops needed to grow.

Sadly, those times are gone. GMOs, pesticides, aggressive agriculture have all but stripped the important nutrients from the soil. Kale (one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the U.S.) Tomatoes, beans, maize, salad, you name it, have become void of what we need to maintain our health.

In case you can grow your own food or buy from a trusted organic farmer you should be ok, but if not? More certainly than not, you will need supplements. If you are searching for a good and trusted organic company, you have to look no further. Do investigate Organixx, their catalog is full of excellent products for your health.


Supplements you trust.


A super keyword tool

Those of you who have a website know how important it is to choose the right keyword for your article. Jaaxy is the best and if you sign up with Wealthy Affiliate, Jaaxy is included.


Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool


Having a website

Well, here you can see me with my little laptop in my workroom. On the screen, you can see my profile on Wealthy Affiliate. I started with 2 websites in January 2017 and at that time I had no idea about what it really means to have a website.

Now I know it is work, but being your own boss, you can organize your timetable. Thanks to Wealthy Affiliate I have come this far and now know, without them I would have been lost.

Here you will find everything needed under 1 roof. I really think this is the best place to be.


Me at my Computer



I hope you have found something of interest on my recommendations page. Thank you for your visit.

Regards, Taetske

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