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by Taetske | 2:33 pm

Information How Nature Can Help With UTI

  Have you ever suffered UTI?   If you have never had a urinary tract infection, then call yourself lucky, as by my experience I can tell you it is not funny. There are

1835 words (7 min)
by Taetske | 2:25 pm

How A Pet In Your Life Is Good For Your Health

  Have you ever thought of having a pet in your life?     Having a companion, a cat, dog or other animals can warm your heart and help you to not feel lonely.

1614 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 4:05 pm

Innovative New Technology For Fruits And Vegetables

  Apeel Sciences puts an extra peel on produce   How a new procedure makes fruits and vegetables last longer and stays fresh I personally think that all those things which help the environment

1515 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 6:51 pm

The Health Benefits of Eating Macadamia Nuts Every Day

  Have you ever eaten macadamia nuts?   They taste fantastic as they are crunchy and creamy at the same time. Before telling you why it is a good idea to eat a couple

1322 words (5 min)
by Taetske | 12:51 pm

Nuts Are Good For Your Babies Brain Growth

  Important information for future mothers, eat nuts     It is obvious that for a mother-to-be, food becomes very important. It will affect her health, but more importantly, it will affect the life

1934 words (7 min)
by Taetske | 3:24 pm

Can This New Diet Eating Insects Save The People?

  How about some insects for dinner?     Will these crawly creatures be our future food? It is a fact that at the rate we are going, there will not be enough food

1678 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 2:39 pm

How To Make Yummy Organic Orange Marmalade

  A recipe for making organic orange marmalade     Today I would like to show you how I make my marmalade. I live on a farm in the south of Spain. After an awful

1615 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 3:51 pm

A Healthy Snack in the Form of the Versatile Pistachio Nut

That lovely little nut called Pistachio   Before I tell you, my reader, about something fantastic for your health, more often than not I like to tell you a bit about the history and

1267 words (5 min)
by Taetske | 10:50 am

Have You Heard Of The Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea?

Kombucha, one of the healthiest drinks in the world?   Before we dive into some of its health aspects, I would like to tell you a bit about its long history.   Kombucha has

1571 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 4:47 pm

How to Improve Macular Degeneration with Nitrates

  The Nitrates in vegetables are good for your eyes   Remember when your mother told you to “eat your greens”? Small children normally dislike greens and have to be persuaded to eat it.

1854 words (7 min)

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