Recommendations is a special page for my visitors


The reason I made this page is that my sidebar was getting too full. My better half is very good at making homemade widgets which are really pretty, so I did not want to lose them. That is why I made this page of my recommendations.

Some widgets are from the companies themselves, and others are made by Michael. Most of these widgets will have an Affiliate link. In case you decide to go shopping, there is no added cost for you.


Precious stones

I have always loved stones. When I was a little girl, my Mother taught me how to find special stones and fossils. Now, many years later, I have collected many during my lifetime. Some years ago, for my birthday, I got a rock tumbler as a present. Wherever I go, I will try to find some interesting pieces.

On my other website, Motherearthstreasures, I have various pages and some posts on stones you might like to see.

Here you will find a company that specializes in lovely stones which are used for jewelry or even for making pretty stone bowls.


Collection of Tumbled Stones

Collection of Tumbled Stones


I hope you have found something of interest on the company’s website Thank you for your visit.

Before you leave, have a look at the other items I have on my Recommendations page. You might find something of your interest.

Regards, Taetske

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