First a bit about the history of Aluminum

Different brands of Soda image Alexander Antropov
Some unusual facts about aluminum
The Greeks and Romans used aluminum salts as astringents for dressing wounds, but until the modern era, metallic aluminum was not refined. The first time it was produced as a metal, albeit impure, was in 1825 by a Danish physicist and chemist Hans Christian Orsted.
It was very difficult to produce pure aluminum, and its value was higher than gold. Bars of this metal were on show at the Exposition Universelle in 1855.
It is said that at a banquet of Napoleon III of France, his VIP guests were given utensils made of aluminum. The lesser guests had to do with the ones made of gold. One started to make statues of this metal. One of the first examples being Anteros in Piccadilly Circus, London, made in 1893.
Aluminum is the most widely used nonferrous metal. It comes second after iron. The list of things that are made of aluminum is very extensive, so I will only name a few:
- In transportation, it is used for cars, aircraft, boats, bicycles, and spacecraft.
- In packaging in cans and foil and in the wrappings of pre-prepared foods.
- In construction, you will find it in window frames, roofing, building wire, etc.
- Also in cooking utensils, baseball bats, watches, mobile phones, street lighting poles, and the list goes on and on…

Rim of car wheel image PIRO4D
The mining of Bauxite
Bauxite is a major aluminum ore and is mined worldwide. Some of the biggest bauxite mines are in Weipa in Australia. In 2009 Australia was the top producer of bauxite delivering about one-third of the total world production.
Other countries are China, Brazil, India, and Guinea. In 2010, the prime minister of Vietnam announced their total reserves could well be 11,000 metric tonnes, placing them first place in the world in terms of production.
Why do we live in the “Age of Aluminum”?
I suppose you know what Aluminum is? It has no identifiable function in our bodies. Neither is it a nutrient, but every day we consume this neurotoxic substance. We inhale it because of its fumes, or we put it on our skins. The question is why we do that as we know it to be bad for us.
Of the people who are tested, 80% show a high level of aluminum. It associates metal toxicities with a wide range of chronic disease conditions.

Cut Aluminum Tubes image Ellas Pix
The third most prevalent element on our planet is Aluminum. In our environment, it exists naturally, but it should not be inside our system. There is still some cookware in use. Every time you cook with aluminum cookware, these pots and pans release a bit of Aluminum into the food you will eat.
It is much healthier to use stainless steel or cast iron for cooking. You find it in soda cans, aluminum foil, and the packaging for processed foods. The list continues with its use in cosmetics and hygiene products like antiperspirants. It is an ingredient for well-known antacids like Rolaids.
Everywhere you look there is Aluminum. You might not believe this, but it is also an ingredient in cocoa, salt, flour, and baking powder. Then you can also find it in your municipal tap water, that being an excellent reason to purify the water you drink.

Aluminum coffee maker image Karolina Grabowska
The overload of aluminum in your body
You ask yourself what this overload of Aluminum is doing to your body? It causes oxidative stress and attacks the central nervous system because it accumulates in the kidneys, brain, lungs, liver, and thyroid. It seems to compete with calcium for absorption and can affect the mineralization of bone, and it slows growth in infants.
The accumulation of Aluminum in the brain can have devastating effects, it creates brain oxidation. The University School of Medicine in Belgrade reports that high levels of Aluminum in your drinking water increases the risk for Alzheimer’s.
The long list also includes mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia, and cognitive deficits. We associate it with anemia as it shows interference with iron metabolism.
There are telltale symptoms that might show Aluminum toxicity. Keep an eye out for an abnormal heartbeat, depressions, strange headaches, problems with your digestion, and dry skin. The second stage of symptoms can include memory loss and confusion and also paralytic muscular conditions.

A collection of Aluminum cooking pots image Hans Braxmeier
What to do if you think you are affected
In case you think you are affected, a good thing to do would be to have a hair tissue mineral analysis. What is important that you find a laboratory that does not wash the hair before testing as this can alter or even nullify the results.
Something which is also important to know is if you are having nutritional therapy for heavy metal toxicity, you will see a rise in aluminum levels when the hair is tested the second time. One has to ensure a safe method to detox from all these harmful metals in the body.

Unions and Garlic image Schutterbug75
Help from Nature
There are many things you can do yourself to prevent an overload of aluminum in your body. One has to start diminishing the exposure to aluminum. Do not use cookware and cans which contain it.
Check the labels on health and beauty products, especially antacids. Processed foods are no good either, as they often come wrapped in aluminum. Important is also the salt you have on your kitchen table, use sea salt instead of table salt.
Your drinking water should be clean, so use a purifier or the water from a trusted spring water source. Garlic, onions, and other sulfur-rich foods will be an alley the same as high doses of vitamin C, chlorella, and cilantro. One of the big helpers is curcumin, a flavonoid found in turmeric. It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces aluminum toxicity.
An important book
In this book, you will find the latest advances in the study of Aluminum in the environment. Does it have a negative effect on aquatic and terrestrial living things? Aluminum research in drinking and groundwater. Be informed on how Aluminum affects everything, a substance that once was believed to be harmless.
An Afterthought
As you can see, we are surrounded by this metal, be informed and try to reduce contact as much as possible. It is not easy to navigate our modern life as there are many unknown factors to take into consideration. Know what food you are eating. Know what is in the water you are drinking. The quality of the air you are breathing 24 hours a day is of utmost importance.
Before you leave, you might like to have a look at Recommendations. It is a special page I made for you with a collection of things you could find interesting.
Source: Natural Health365 and Wikipedia
Photo Source: Pixabay
There are more dangerous substances that form part of our daily life. You might not be aware of this, so please read the following post.
Oh WOW, is all I can say – this article left me with my mouth agape!
I never realized the whole impact of using aluminum in our world. You know, it is just one more thing that we ‘take for granted’ in the world we live in.
There are so many things that we are not aware of – the good and the bad that modern living can wreak on our minds, souls, and bodies. It is informative articles like these which will ‘remove the smoke from our eyes’.
Thanks Taetske for taking the time to improve our awareness and to help highlight some of the possible solutions as well. I will certainly pass the word along – information is key to survival!
Excellent article!
Good evening Michelle,
Thank you for your visit and leaving a comment.
The more I investigate the more I discover and it is mostly not good. Slowly but surely we are poisoning ourselves with the things and foods of our modern life. We wonder why we feel bad and then when it is too late we finally realize it is because of turning away from nature. I will keep writing about these things and I hope it will at least help a few people.
Regards, Taetske
Wow, thanks for this information. I wasn’t aware of how dangerous aluminium can be.
I think I’ll have to organize a few changes around me and my family. We live in Thailand and aluminium cooking ware is very common here, I think it’s the cheaper version.
Why is aluminium so cheap? It takes a lot of electrical energy to produce it. I hope someday people get aware of the problem and start boycotting the use of aluminium.
I don’t drink any beverages from aluminium cans due the the bad taste, that is, and not because of the dangers, I didn’t realize that.
Good afternoon Stefan.
I have been to Thailand and know that a lot of aluminum cooking pots are used. It is cheaper than stainless steel but does not last as long. The process of obtaining aluminum from bauxite is very easy so not cost intensive. Very different from obtaining steel.
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Regards, Taetske
I had no idea about aluminum toxicity this is news for me and very happy that I came upon your article. Soda pop in aluminum cans has always been a go to for our family but that is stopping right now. I have one aluminum pot that has always been my go to for making many things especially boiling noodles or making potatoes this will be leaving in the garbage tomorrow. Thank goodness I do not do processed foods so that is not on my list of throw outs and we have been using sea salt for about 5 years now due to high blood pressure runs in the family. The only thing is my aluminum foil do I seriously have to do without it, not that I use it that often and usually it is to cover something in the oven when baking so not to burn the top.
Thank you for writing this because there is enough bad that we consume today with processed foods and preservatives that seriously we do not need anymore. I am hoping you will continue to research these types of things and will be checking back often.
Good Morning Susan,
The more I investigate on health things the more scary stuff I discover. Those soda cans are not only bad because of the aluminum but also because of the sugar or artificial sweeteners. I have written also about how bad sugar is. Michael stopped his daily soda and lost 10 kg. Now the question about salt is different as there we are also misinformed. The body needs salt but it has to be “good” salt. I have changed to Himalaya salt as that seems to be the best, there is a post on that on my website.
Yes, get rid of that aluminum pot and get a decent stainless steel one, these pots last a couple of generations. I inherited the ones of my Mother and they are still perfect. To make healthy changes is one thing but please do not worry about using aluminum foil now and then.
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Regards, Taetske
P.S. I am sending you this link. there you can see salt is ok as long it is natural, not tampered with salt. That normally happens when humans think they can do it better than nature then things go bad.
Regards, Taetske
jessie palaypay
I never really knew about the diseases that can occur within our bodies as a result of aluminum exposure. It seems like something I take for granted as a result of drinking a lot of soda lately. I am curious as to what table salt has to do with aluminum exposure and why you recommend sea salt instead. I am guessing table salt requires aluminum within its refinement.
Good afternoon Jessie,
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The salt is manipulated by us and an anticaking agent is added, number 554 and that is aluminum. That is why we should use “good” salts like Himalaya salt as the human body needs it. Always look out for salt which is not tampered with.
Regards, Taetske
Hello there. I’m grateful for this life changing information. Aluminum is used for almost everything in the kitchen, used for cake pans, used for can drinks etc. I never knew it was harmful to our health and wellness. I guess this post has opened my knowledge to it. I love onions so much. I guess this has been a great help all these while.
I’m wondering if there could ever be a stop to using aluminium for kitchen wares.
Good Morning Barry,
You continue eating onions and garlic that is a healthy habit. Buying a set of stainless steel pans is, of course, more expensive than aluminum ones. But the stainless steel will last longer than one generation so to invest a bit more does pay in the long run.
I am afraid that the industry will continue making these cooking pots, as with so many other things in our world our health is not important to them.
Regards, Taetske
After reading your article, I can only imagine how much aluminium I accumulate in my body in a day looking at the things I get into contact with in my daily work. It looks like there’s no escape from aluminium and that one has to consciously guard against its threats. You did state that cocoa, salt, flour and baking powder contains aluminium and it scares me. Is it contained in their raw source or from their processed product?
I will be glad to read your response on this. Thanks.
Good afternoon.
My personal belief is that what grows in nature normally does not have dangerous substances. The plant absobs all kind of things during its growing process so if there is some aluminum in the soil it will not harm us. Of course in the case of polluted water or somebody makes a vegetable garden on top of a landfill then it cannot be considered natural, I suppose you get what I mean.
I have a couple of links for you of which I hope will answer your questions.
Aluminum in foods
Aluminum in salt
and here the other link on additive anti-caking agent 554—aluminium
Thank you for your comment. I hope you have downloaded your free PDF?
Regards, Taetske
Cathy Cavarzan
Very alarming indeed ! Who would have given thought to aluminium being the culprit in a lot of chronic diseases, but after reading your article I have no doubt. I just had two people pass from Alzheimer and it makes perfect sense to me now. I will not look at another soda can the same again.
Good afternoon Cathy,
Alzheimers is caused by many different things but still mainly related to our food and of course the unhealthy environment humans have created for themselves. It is actually quite crazy that most of the modern time ailments have been created by us. Man-made foods, polluted air, bad water, and the list which follows is very long.
We are destroying nature at an alarming speed when actually living in harmony with nature would give us better health. The sooner we realize that the better.
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Regards, Taetske
Thank you for your comprehensive, informative and very relevant article. We do live in a aluminum world, as odd as that sounds. In today’s time, living without aluminum is like living without our cell phones. That”s scary!
Learning about its origin and its many usages, it really is everywhere and it’s totally believable about the harmful health implications. The many chronic diseases resulting from long standing aluminum exposure was mind blowing to know. All I wanted to know then was how to limit my exposure to it and benefit from it too. It was great to read that there are some natural ingredients available that can help reduce aluminum’s toxicity in our bodies.
Great information!
Good afternoon Diana,
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Nice to hear you found my post helpful. The best we can do is to be informed about things to then be able to make the right decisions in our life. We are surrounded by hazards which we often cannot escape. The more I investigate into those things the more hairraising stuff I discover. It is a miracle the human body can take that much.
Regards, Taetske
This is an awesome post and thanks alot for sharing it with us.
So, YES is the answer to the headline of this post. How the hell could I have known that particles of aluminium enters my food while I make my food using aluminium pot? I cook alot and I love can Malta Guinness!
How about replacing all my pots with stainless pot? Is stainless harmful to our health?
Good afternoon Eazzy,
Well, now you are informed and it is up to you if you want to make some changes. Buy a set of stainless cooking pots, they will last forever, your children can inherit them and to cook in them will not harm your health.
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Regards, Taetske
Emmanuel Buysse
Great post and good info.
I stay away as much as I can from aliminium.
To know they make window frames and doors from it, you can already think how healthy it is when you drink it out of a can.
They say it is harmless, but they say it about many things and later it comes out it is very dangerous.
Very good written context, you showed us the dangers of this.
Hopefully sooner or later they ban it.
Thanks for sharing!
Good afternoon Emmanuel,
I am afraid it will not be banned very soon as aluminum is easy to produce, cheap and can be used for so many things. It also is easy to recycle so it will be around for quite some time. At least knowing where the dangers are we can adapt our lifestyle accordingly.
Thank you for your comment, I hope to see you again.
Regards, Taetske
Oh, dear! Yet another thing that can kill us! Until now, I never heard of aluminium being toxic enough to create health problems for us. It is said that the world has surrounded itself with poisonous substances in the name of commercialization and business.
Thank u for the remedies, which we shall implement right away in our household. And grateful to you for a most enlightening read.
Good Morning Aparna,
I know, looking around in our daily life, one always finds new things one has to be careful with. Modern times might have its advantages but slowly but surely I get the impression the negative outweighs the positive. Nowadays one has to be so careful not to do things, eat things, and have things that in one way or the other can harm you.
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Regards, Taetske
Good morning my friend. This is really a great article Taetske. I first became aware of the aluminum problem back in the late 80s. The use of aluminum at that time, was nowhere as extensive as it is today.
I didn’t read all of the comments that have been left by other people, so someone may have already mentioned this. But I did notice nowhere in your paper is it listed.
One of the primary products in the late 80s that aluminum was found in was in under arm deodorants, sprays and roll-ons. If I’m not mistaken it was listed as aluminum chlorohydrate. Just another way that the nefarious evil ones, are able to fool us.
By being absorbed into the body in the underarm, it goes directly into the lymph system of the body,
I checked the product that I used, and that my wife used and they both contained it. They went directly into the trash. I went to the health food store that I frequented at that time and check the labels on several bottles of antiperspirant, and none of them contained aluminum, in any form. So that’s what I’ve been using since. I do love beer but I always drink beer from bottles. Very seldom do I drink it from a can.
I would like to make a recommendation for a book it is very helpful in understanding more about aluminum, and one of the most hazardous products that comes from the mining of aluminum, fluoride.
The book is “Murder By injection: The medical conspiracy against the US.” Written by Eustace Mullins.
Good Morning Sonny,
That is a nice surprise to see you again. Thank you for your visit and for your comment. I really appreciate that. Do you remember you can download a free PDF of your choice? Tulip widget.
No, I did not forget deodorant. You will find it mentioned in the text above the photo of the coffee pot. That was a good idea to check the brand you were using.
I do not drink beer ever but I am a big fan of red wine. The good ones always come in bottles so there I am ok. Here in the house we normally have no drinks in cans and we do not drink it. We might have some when receiving guests but that, because of the coronavirus has been reduced to the minimum.
I am well aware of the dangers of fluoride as well. Luckily it is not present in our own water. I have written about fluoride and the dangers to our health. It is not so easy to remain in a decent shape these days. The more you know the better are your chances to remain healthy.
Thank you for the book recommendation. I am convinced one should stay away as much as possible from injections/vaccinations. We have to take care of our immune system, that is the best you can do.
Regards, Taetske