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by Taetske | 3:51 pm

A Healthy Snack in the Form of the Versatile Pistachio Nut

That lovely little nut called Pistachio   Before I tell you, my reader, about something fantastic for your health, more often than not I like to tell you a bit about the history and

1267 words (5 min)
by Taetske | 3:30 pm

Warning, The Threat Of The Opioid Epidemic

The epidemic of Opioid Overdose in the U.S.   Before we dive into this problem and the consequences, I would like to tell you a bit about the history of opium.   The story

2596 words (10 min)
by Taetske | 1:28 pm

Your Diet Has An Important Impact On The Planet

  Can a change of diet save the world?   Would you be willing to change your diet if that could save our planet? While you are thinking about your answer, let me tell

1681 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 10:50 am

Have You Heard Of The Health Benefits of Kombucha Tea?

Kombucha, one of the healthiest drinks in the world?   Before we dive into some of its health aspects, I would like to tell you a bit about its long history.   Kombucha has

1571 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 6:00 pm

The helpful innovative six pack rings from corona beer

Corona has an excellent idea following up on Saltwater brewery     Positive news for wildlife and the environment Before telling you about this great idea, I want to give you some background information

1517 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 2:48 pm

What You Can Do In The Battle Against EMF Radiation

  Protect your family against EMF Radiation   How Wi-Fi influences your life and harms your health In these modern times, we are literally surrounded by radiation. Most of these sources, we unknowingly introduce

1869 words (7 min)
by Taetske | 4:47 pm

How to Improve Macular Degeneration with Nitrates

  The Nitrates in vegetables are good for your eyes   Remember when your mother told you to “eat your greens”? Small children normally dislike greens and have to be persuaded to eat it.

1854 words (7 min)
by Taetske | 4:08 pm

How to avoid eating DNA manipulated Franken Foods

Beware of Franken-foods, they are bad for you   Have you heard the word Franken-foods before but do not really know what it means? I will help you with an explanation to lift all

1585 words (6 min)
by Taetske | 4:54 pm

The Danger Of Chemotherapy For Your Brain

The negative effects Chemotherapy can have on your body, including your brain       Cancer is on the rise in our modern society. Sadly, it is still not talked about openly. People do

1757 words (7 min)
by Taetske | 2:39 pm

Interested to find out about the Food/Sex Connection?

  The Food/Sex connection, recent evidence   I bet you are raising your eyebrows? Well, if you do, I promise this is going to be a very decent post. I hope it will be

1649 words (6 min)

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