by Taetske | 3:33 pm

Climate Change and the Rediscovery of the Forgotten Crops

Crops from the past might be the solution for the future     Currently, four crop types comprise two-thirds of the world’s food supply. These are wheat, maize, rice, and soybean. When one looks

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by Taetske | 9:44 am

How To Keep Your Microbiome Healthy With The Right Foods

  The need for Fiber for a healthy gut     The more you turn away from nature, the less good your digestive system will work Man-made foods are killing our “good” gut bacteria,

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by Taetske | 7:56 pm

The Truly Amazing Soap of Cleopatra

  Cleopatra and her natural products     Everybody has heard the name, Cleopatra. This name became widely known when the film with Elizabeth Taylor came out in 1963. There are many well-known facts

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by Taetske | 6:29 pm

Monsanto Litigation, The Truth will Prevail

Is this the beginning of the end? Monsanto and its court cases.     A herbicide called Roundup I suppose you have heard about Monsanto and its infamous product Roundup. This glyphosate-based herbicide was

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by Taetske | 3:47 pm

Botox, The Most Dangerous Substance In The World

  Botulinum toxin or Botox is a neurotoxic protein     There are 8 types of botulinum toxin, named type A to H Type H is the deadliest substance in the world. Two billionths

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by Taetske | 2:27 pm

Be Careful with what you eat from the sea

  Our modern-day habits are polluting the waters   Some time ago I wrote a post on the dangers of eating salmon from Puget Sound in Seattle. Scientists had found alarming amounts of unhealthy

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by Taetske | 6:06 pm

Are you informed about the Benefits of G-BOMBS?

  Do you eat G- BOMBS on a regular base?   Have you ever heard of G- BOMBS? I did not until recently when I received one of Ocean Robbin’s emails about this topic.

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by Taetske | 3:21 pm

Did You Know This Helpful Fact About Sugar?

Some positive information on Sugar     Too much sugar is bad for you I have written a few times about the negative effects sugar consumption has on your health. The US is one

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by Taetske | 1:16 pm

Do Not Put Your Child At Risk With Tamiflu

The CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends giving children flu shots     The CDS recommends It recommends giving children as young as 5 years old the antiviral drug Tamiflu if the

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by Taetske | 4:08 pm

All the Surprising Facts about the Cucumber

Who would have thought a Cucumber is so Helpful   A little about the simple cucumber I suppose everybody knows what a cucumber is, and most people will eat this vegetable regularly. Until recently

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