5G and EMF Pollution, Dangers of Microwave Radiation
Is our technology really bringing us advantages, or having it means paying for it with our health?
I just read disturbing information on Microwave radiation. You might think, oh well, that small oven? It is not only your personal micro oven that is harmful, up to a radius of 20 meters when in use.
Here is an interesting video that explains why you should not use a microwave oven. The video is by Dr. Axe. I think you will have heard about him.
Do not be fooled, it is all this new technology of which most of the side effects at long range are still unknown but already feared. As they say, do your homework as it can save your health and that of your family.

Cellular Tower image Maxwell Fury
The modern life pollutions
In Natural health, Mr. Jeromy Johnson paints a grim future with his article.
He warns of the EMF pollution created by all these “new” things like 5G wireless antennas, cars which do not need a driver but brings you to your destiny, Internet sensors that need to be placed everywhere.
He calls those cities “Smart Cities” but the question is, what kind of people live there? Uninformed people, who trade their health for technology? Would you like that? I would certainly not like or want it.
It took me until the end of 2013 to accept a computer in my life. You might not believe this, but I have a mobile in my handbag on off. About 3 times a year I might need it to make a call, like being late for an appointment or perhaps a problem with my car, but that is it. To be honest, I would call this having entered the modern world with 1 toe but no more.

Photographing with your mobile image Free Photos
The dangers of smart cities
The Smart city is being pictured as an advance for humankind, but little is said about how dangerous it will be to our health.
5G stands for “5th generation” wireless technology. At the moment, our modern devices need 3G or 4G technology, which is a limited range of the microwave spectrum. Going to 5G will mean quicker downloads and programs by wireless, instead of by cable.
It will also mean that at least 1 million new base stations need to be built. That means that we, the people, are surrounded by an electromagnetic field which is not a natural state for the human body.
Mr. Johnson describes a picture of what our future homes will look like, much like a science fiction film, I think.
We will have our houses protected by wireless security systems, toothbrushes, coffeemakers, and the like. This will increase the EMF pollution inside the house and at the same time, our personal data of all the devices will pass on to the industry. Everything will be known about us, and our privacy has gone down the drain.
A book to have in your library
The writer of this book, Anthony M. Townsend, paints a picture of what to expect when we arrive to live in this still futuristic landscape. It will fill cities with smart technology. Sensors in every street and subways. No more escaping is possible because all movement is visible.
There will be challenges faced by these huge interconnected metropolitan centers, but software developers will certainly solve these issues. Something you will have seen in science fiction films is waiting around the corner.
A car without a driver
To be driven by a car and have this time to ourselves might sound good, but for a car like that to function, it needs 7 different types of wireless technology. While sitting in the car or only being an innocent pedestrian nearby, these cars engulf us in their microwave radiation.
I find all this very disturbing. All these new inventions might seem great, but too often the price we pay for having these things is extremely high. We pay with our health.

Radiation Strength Chart image Clker-Free-Vector
The dangers of cell phone
There is an important study of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) which was made as one hoped to prove that 2G cell phones were not harmful. It was a shock to find the contrary as it was shown it causes brain cancer and DNA damage in rats.
When you walk on the streets today most people you see are looking like hypnotized at their mobile phones or worse, have it glued to their ear.
Apart from all the toxins in our food and the bad air we breathe, another important reason people are not feeling well nowadays is the unhealthy environment we live in. When one is exposed to wireless technology headaches, tinnitus, and sleep disturbance might be a constant state of being.
I do not think we are taking the right direction. There are many things you can do yourself to minimize the negative effects.
Keep your mobile phone on off when you do not need it, go back to normal landline telephones. Get rid of that unhealthy micro oven and cook again the traditional way. Do not accept a smart meter in your house, they are not precise and on top bad for your health. Be informed, your health will thank you.
Here follows a TED TALK of Mr. Jeromy Johnson. The title is eye-catching: WirelessWakeupCall.
If you also think radiation is dangerous for humans, then join this Global Protest.
Before you leave, you might take a look at a special page I made for you. In Recommendations you will find a collection of things which could be useful.
Source: NaturalHealth365
Photo Source: Pixabay
There are many things going on in our world you should be aware of. You might like to read the following post as it talks about one of those things which can harm our health. To be informed is the best thing you can do.
Hi Teatske, it looks like we are creating a huge microwave for ourselves to live in. All those electromagnetic fields can’t be good for our health. Thank you for being on the same thinking level as I am. I believe a lot of people don’t realize how much influence these frequencies can have on their health. Otherwise, there would be a major protest worldwide against 5G.
Good Morning Loes,
Thank you for visiting my website. It is amazing all the bad which happens in our modern world. From climate change, men made foods, Monsanto, big Pharma, GMO’s and now also 5G. I probably left out a couple but think this list is already awful enough. Oh, I forgot Nuclear power, fracking etc etc.
If we were to start a protest march that would be our sole occupation in life. This story I heard quite some years ago. People were getting sick, it was found out they all ate chicken meat from the same area. The chickens were sick as they had been given a compound made with fishmeal. These fish had been living in polluted water and who had polluted the water? I am happy I live in a halfway rural area and also have some own grown things on the farm.
Fact is, even with our advanced science it is difficult to stay healthy.
Regards, Taetske
Hi there, I’m 18 therefore have always grown up with this sort of technology, to a point.
It’s interesting, because although I am switched on to what’s going around me, I didn’t realise all the upcoming technology is ruining our health and the planet.
I guess it is easy to be blinded by the excitement of new tech, especially for younger people who are more involved in the technology, and it is those who it affects directly.
Good Morning Joe,
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It is true that the younger generation is more into all those technical things but then they are also more affected by the negative side effects these things have. It is good to be informed so you can take steps to protect yourself.
I grew up without a cell phone and I got a computer at the age of 63. So my house was rather a radiation-free one up till that time.
Regards, Taetske
Joe, would you join the discussion?
Thanks for the wonderful post, we really do not pay attention to the effect of pollution in our health. Siimple things like Keeping phones off when you don’t need it, using landlines, cooking the traditional way and other important health wise things.
I really should show this to my mum and uncles.
Good Morning Rahye,
That is a good idea to show this information to your family. On a personal level one can do a lot to stay healthy that is why being informed is so important.
Thank you for your comment. I hope you downloaded your free PDF?
Regards, Taetske
Rahye, would you join the discussion?
Hey Taetske,
I just feel so lucky to have found your post. I knew very little about EMR and never thought it can have these kinds of drastic consequences in human life. It is a wake up call for me and everyone.
I will take care of this spread it around as much as I can. The least I could do immediately is turnoff the WiFi which is on 24 h. I do have fiber optics and no smart meter.Now I want to live like ancient people as much as I can.
I really enjoyed this knowledge filled video at the end. It was kind of long and it was well worth the time.
Thank you.
Good Morning Anusuya,
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In certain aspects modern life might be nice with a lot of commodities but all these new inventions are not always healthy for us. That is why it is so important to be informed be it about technology, the food we eat, or the medical care we get.
Regards, Taetske
Anusuya, would you join the discussion?
I share your opinion – I too do not think we are taking the right direction. And the funny thing is everyone thinks that we will destroy the natural world. No, Earth will get rid of us, humans.
You named a few of the reasons why in this post – how are we so stupid that we intentionally hurt our health with the choices we make? Thank you for spreading the word! I hope it will reach many…
Good Morning Katja,
For sure Mother Earth would be better off without the human race. What we have been able to destroy and in such a short time is very sad. Many things we cannot repair anymore, they have been lost forever.
All these new inventions make people buy more and more but the health risk they run by doing that is unknown to them. On the 25th of January, there will be a call to a worldwide protest against 5G. No official studies have been made but that is not really necessary as the negative effect of 3G and 4G on the health of all living things has been documented.
All this is very sad and we, the human race with its stupid actions has put the whole world in danger.
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Regards, Taetske
Some claim that the food from the microwave is dangerous, some experts say that it is harmless. or maybe less radiant than the microwave. They all damage our health and I don’t know how we can prevent it. The only way to use the appliances we use is to use them less.
Good Morning Kozakiv,
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I am completely convinced that all this modern technology radiation is dangerous for our health. In my workroom, I have a Himalayan salt lamp standing and when I go to bed I unplug everything. I never had a microwave oven and in total, I try to keep radiation to the minimum in my life.
Regards, Taetske
I completely agree with you. The direction technology is going doesn’t take into account the human body and our health. That is not the first and immediate concern with developing new tech, and it should be.
All the smart home tech seems so appealing at first, but then you realize it’s just more wifi and more putting your personal information out into cyberspace. It’s not good in the long run.
I think your information is valuable because a lot of people still don’t realize this. I’ve read there are some things we can do to protect ourselves, but they are usually expensive or difficult to implement.
Good Morning Alison,
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At this moment there is strong resistance in Holland. I call it a battle between the citizens and the government. It seems that Holland is one of the countries where the rollout of 5G has advanced a lot and people are getting sick.
I live in the south of Spain and am surrounded by many high trees. The closest tower is one km away. Just to be sure we wear a gadget around our necks and at night I put it next to my bed. Everything is unplugged during the night, and computer and smartphone have a sticker the same as the router which is still 4G. In our workrooms, there is a Himalayan salt lamp.
Regards, Taetske
I have read a book recently called cleansed to heal by medical medium and I was in shock about the radiation. For example, when we go to the airport and get the scan to our body for weapons and such. The radiation from microwave is really scary. I will stop using the microwave from now on.
The 5G is another scary one and we can already see from the big phone company started to advertise it already. I am just afraid that our brain will get cooked from all these radiations.
I agree with you that we are not going in the right direction. Having a technology is supposed to make our quality of life better not harming us along the process. I will check out Smart Cities, this will be a good read.
Good Morning Nuttanee,
Nice to see you again and thank you for your comment. You remember the tulip widget in the sidebar? There you can download a free PDF of your choice.
Some time ago I wrote this post about microwave ovens. In Switzerland, tests were made with milk. Normal milk, cooked milk, and milk heated in a microwave oven. People were given these milks to drink. Before and after a blood test was made. Milk heated in the microwave alters your blood pattern. The same happens of course when you eat food heated that way. Why on earth would I want my blood altered? Humans invent crazy things.
On Facebook I am in a Dutch antiradiation group. What I read there makes your hair stand up. We are definitely going in the wrong direction.
Regards, Taetske