by Taetske | 2:11 pm

Amazing Sun And Its Influence On The Earth And Inhabitants

  The effect of the sun on the earth and her inhabitants   Our sun is the center of our personal universe. They named it after the ancient Roman god of the Sun, Sol.

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by Taetske | 11:49 am

Innovative Laser Tattoo Reduces Plastic

  Modern technology in the battle against plastic     The plastic story I have lived in the south of Spain since 1976, and I love it here. After living in many European countries,

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by Taetske | 11:24 am

Important Information On The Health Risks Of Fluoride

  Natural or synthetic Fluoride, that is the question     Do you know what is in your drinking water? What would you say to mass medication without your consent, and what will you

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by Taetske | 1:46 pm

The Danger Of Chlorpyrifos On Your Food

Uncontrolled Dangers to Our Environment and Health   After World War II, the world was recoiling from the multiple nuclear explosions. People really thought that humankind could actually destroy our world. With questions about

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by Taetske | 1:07 pm

Be United Innovative Way To Help The Planet And People

  United our voice will be heard   I have chosen to keep this post on my website, even if COVID-19 was the reason bUnited had to stop. I think the concept is brilliant

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by Taetske | 3:42 pm

Helpful Update By EWG On Montsanto Intrigues

  Monsanto and its tricks. Do not fall for it     Monsanto and its court cases It is time again to write a post on Monsanto as their tactics are getting worse. Having

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by Taetske | 1:47 pm

10 Alarming Chemicals Found In Personal Care Products

  Personal care products can pose a danger to your health       Be careful with toothpaste, bubble baths, shampoos, and similar products The facts are in and we destroy the environment in

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by Taetske | 12:51 pm

Nuts Are Good For Your Babies Brain Growth

  Important information for future mothers, eat nuts     It is obvious that for a mother-to-be, food becomes very important. It will affect her health, but more importantly, it will affect the life

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by Taetske | 3:05 pm

Why Smart Diapers Are Very Bad For Your Baby

  Diapers II, this is unbelievable, technology harms your baby   Recently I wrote a post on diapers, and how diapers pose a health risk to little babies. Store-bought diapers are full of toxic

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by Taetske | 3:21 pm

Why This Battle Against The Soy Burger Is Important

  Moms Across America put out a warning, do not eat this Soy Burger   Recently I found out about a group called MOMS ACROSS AMERICA. This group focuses on bringing awareness about health

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