Unknown facts about Health Care Costs
Health Care is very expensive, and one needs good insurance to cover all eventualities. Looking at the world, it becomes even more visible how important this is for you and your family.

Doctor’s office, image by Robin Wright
A recent post in Naturalhealth398 stated that the costs of treating diseases are staggering. Consider the following costs for 2010:
Heart disease and stroke: 315 Billion
Cancer: 157 Billion
Diabetes: 245 Billion
Arthritis: 128 Billion
This is only the tip of the iceberg. “Western medicine offers nothing – in terms of effective solutions to the most pressing health problems of our time.” The money spent to treat the disease is not effective. Big Pharmaceutical companies are earning millions and people are only getting sicker. This is more evident as one continues to study the data.
Everyone living in the U.S. has heard that the U.S. healthcare system is the best healthcare system in the world. But when we look at actual statistics, we see a different picture.
A comparative study conducted by the International Federation of Health Plans titled “2015 Comparative Price Report” documents variations in prescription costs as well as select procedures.
** Average Price, 25th percentile and 95th percentile can be significantly different.

First Aid, image by Steve Buissinne
Drugs* |
US ** | UK | Spain | South Africa | Australia | New Zealand | ||
Xarelto | $292 | $126 | $101 | $48 | – | – | |
Humira | $2,669 | $1,362 | $1,253 | $552 | – | – | |
Harvoni | $32,114 | $22,554 | $18,165 | – | – | – | |
Truvada | $1,301 | $689 | $559 | – | – | – | |
Tecfidera | $5,089 | $663 | $1,399 | – | – | – | |
Avastin | $3,930 | $470 | $1,534 | $956 | – | – | |
OxyContin | $265 | $590 | $36 | $84 | – | – | |
*Reason for Prescription and typical dosage for comparative cost analysis |
Xarelto |
Prevent or treat blood clots |
30 capsules, 20 mg, 30-day supply |
Humira |
Treat rheumatoid arthritis |
1 prefilled syringe carton, 2 syringes, 28-day supply |
Harvoni |
Treat hepatitis C |
28 tablets, a 4-week supply |
Truvada |
Treat HIV/AIDS |
30 tablets, 30-day supply |
Tecfidera |
Treat relapsing multiple sclerosis |
60 Capsules, 240 mg, 30-day supply |
Avastin |
Treat certain types of cancer |
400 mg Vial |
OxyContin |
Treat severe ongoing pain |
60 tablets, 20 mg, 30+ day supply |
** Average Price, 25th percentile and 95th percentile can be significantly different.
![]() Surgery, image by Sasin Tipchai
Diagnostics |
US ** | UK | Spain | South Africa | Australia | New Zealand | ||
Angiogram | $1,164 | $2,149 | $240 | – | $270 | $1,089 | |
CT Scan Abdomen | $844 | $860 | $85 | $233 | – | $483 | |
MRI | $1,119 | $788 | $130 | $455 | $215 | $811 | |
Colonoscopy | $1,301 | $3,059 | $589 | $632 | $372 | $1,421 | |
Cardiac Catheterization | $5,061 | $4,046 | $2,974 | $2,596 | $487 | $3,196 | |
Hospital Cost per day | $5,220 | – | $424 | $631 | $765 | $2,142 | |
Total Hospital and Physician |
US ** | UK | Spain | South Africa | Australia | New Zealand | ||
Appendectomy | $15,930 | $8,009 | $2,003 | $1,786 | $3,814 | $6,199 | |
Normal Delivery | $10,808 | – | $1,950 | $1,271 | $5,312 | – | |
C-Section | $16,106 | – | $2,352 | $2,192 | $7,901 | – | |
Cataract Surgery | $3,530 | $3,145 | $1,719 | $1,186 | $3,037 | $2,740 | |
Knee Replacement | $28,184 | $18,451 | $6,687 | $7,795 | $15,941 | $16,508 | |
Hip Replacement | $29,067 | $16,335 | $6,757 | $7,685 | $19,484 | $15,465 | |
Bypass Surgery | $78,318 | $24,059 | $14,579 | $18,501 | $28,888 | $32,480 | |
Angioplasty | $31,620 | $7,264 | $7,839 | $6,510 | $11,164 | $13,677 |

Bethesda naval medical, image by David Mark
Another report suggests that healthcare costs in the U.S. are much higher. A chart from the Peter G. Peterson Foundation gives a simple cost comparison of the per capita healthcare spending in ten of the world’s most developed countries.
The Health risk of bad air
Of course, there are many aspects that have a big influence on our health, but not all we can control. The air we breathe is one of those things, especially in big cities when there is too much traffic and no wind sometimes these very toxic situations are created.
In Beijing, the capital of China where the traffic together with its surrounding topography, sitting in a bowl, made the air unbreathable, many people had to check into the hospitals.
In summer in Madrid, it has also happened that people walking their dogs the poor animal suddenly fainted away. The gasses staying low to the ground cause animals to inhale it in first.

Acupuncture treatment, image by Tomas Delgado
The Holistic approach
In old times in China, the people paid their doctor as long as they stayed healthy, getting sick he had failed and would not receive any more money.
Modern medicine looks at the symptoms, not at what caused the negative situation. Then one will get a pill, often with severe side effects. In Holistic medicine, one does look at the total person as everything is related. It is of no use to treat 1 organ and not treat the rest. Only when the total balance is achieved, the person is healthy again.
Restoring Quality Health Care, by Dr. Scott Atlas, is an extensive evaluation of US health care, especially after the advent of the “Affordable Care Act”. Dr. Atlas is convinced that key reforms are necessary and makes a case for a “six-point, strategic, incentive-based reform plan for US health care.” The six-point plan calls for market-based competition, allowing consumers to drive the costs and reduce the federal government’s footprint in health care.
I wrote this post in March 2017, and many things have happened during these years. First of all, medical cost has become more expensive and fewer people have total coverage. That means if something bad happens it can ruin a family completely, eating up all the savings.
Recently nearly the whole world has gone through the Covid-19 pandemic putting the healthcare system of the countries under a severe test. Now it was shown how well each country is prepared for a happening like this, and even more and bigger differences have come to light between nations.
Many countries have a health care plan for all their citizens in place. It is possible and I personally, think it is your basic right. Hopefully, those countries which still miss out on this should follow up with this important protection for their population.
Time has passed but it does not seem there is much improvement. I found an article recently that paints a rather grim picture of healthcare in America. Here you can read it.
I have made a special page for you. It is a collection of things of which I think might interest you. Please have a look at Recommendations.
Source: NaturalHealth398
Photo Source: Pixabay
Why are people in such bad health? I am convinced it has to do with your lifestyle and the food you eat. Often we eat things that are mainly made up of unnatural things. The natural being only a very small part of the man-made product. Please read the following post. It is quite amazing the things that are added to your food.
Maria Morris
Very interesting, very informative. How can there be such huge differences. The standard of living is pretty much the same in these countries. Good to have this information. Thaank you.
Thank you for reading this post, Maria,
Yes, it is quite amazing when you compare the cost of medical care worldwide. I think that the cost is so high in the US as the pharmaceutical companies are very greedy, sadly enough the overall health of the population is at the bottom of the list, probably due to eating too much fast food.
Regards, Taetske
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You explained it wonderfully.
Good Morning,
Thank you for your comment.
Once again you refused to tell me who you are, what a shame.
Regards, Taetske
I live in South Africa, and here the costs of private medical care are astronomical too. There is free health care if you can’t afford private care, but believe me you try to do anything to avoid going that route as the quality is so bad and you could wait in cues for days before being attended to.
I would rather go without food in order to be able to afford my medical aid, as it is something you just do not want to be without.
Its so sad that most in the medical field would rather make a quick buck by prescribing meds rather than look at ways to avoid getting sick in the first place.
Good afternoon Michel,
I personally believe that it pays off to take care of one’s health and stay away from doctors as much as possible.
I do my yearly checkup with the gynecologist, I go to the dentist and then an anti-aging doctor gives me my bioidentical hormones. With this system, I am fairing well. The last time I was for 3 days in bed with bad flu was at the end of 2000.
I take care of my diet, luckily live in a place with good air and water and hope I will reach 90 years of age.
Thank you for your comment.
Regards, Taetske
I was absolutely blown away by the cost discrepancies between the US and other countries. It appears to be down right extortion by the drug companies preying often on the misfortunes of others. Its interesting the research that is being done into cannabis and other natural remedies that treat not only the symptoms but the causes of such diseases.
Its no surprise that this type of research is receiving still opposition from the drug companies as this threatens their profits. Sad reality of modern day society.
Good afternoon Rich,
Big Pharma has a huge appetite, our health is not important that is obvious. The sicker we are being kept the more money will be made.
Cannabis cannot be patented and that is why there is so much opposition from Big Pharma. This is, of course, a scandal. The more people become aware that this is brutal manipulation the more people should protest. I hope there will come a turning point soon. Some good news was that a judge condemned Monsanto in paying a big fine, more court cases will follow.
Thank you for your comment.
Regards, Taetske
I didn’t realise that things had got so bad in the US – luckily I live in the UK where we have the NHS, so I’ve never experienced shelling out cash for medical treatment.
I thought at one point they were going to go down the ‘Obama-care’ route, what happened to that – why did it change and why have they stayed with the same platform?
Good afternoon Chris,
Here in Spain I have a private health insurance which costs this year 146 Euros a month. The health care they provide is ok and I can choose any doctor I want to go to.
Obama care was approved and I think it was like some extra 40 million Americans getting cover through it. Then somebody else became president and things got messed up. One has to be careful for whom one votes. Just these days I read that that President Trump thinks of cutting special care for Veterans. now really.
Thank you for your comment.
Regards, Taetske
Jake Aswani
Great piece on Medical costs in the USA. You have a touched on a subject important to my heart. Now that I am 59 years I am taking special of my health to avoid getting sick with diseases like high cholesterol and diabetes ( Which is in my family). Also nowadays the insurance are playing a game of cat and mouse to approve important tests and procedures when they are required. Natural healing is a great way to take care of your body and everyday I read more on holistic medicine & exercises (Yoga and Tai Chi) . I live in the Rep of Panama and private medicine here is also expensive. At the end of the day I strongly believe “Prevention is better than the Cure” . Like your articles and will read some more. Cheers Jake
Good Morning Jake,
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I cannot but agree with you that prevention is the best. Hippocrates said let your food be thy medicine and following his advice we might make it to a healthy old age. Still, one has to stay as informed as possible about all the things which affect our health. Food, water, air, radiation, stress etc. Not so easy to maintain one’s health these days.
I also, prefer the holistic way and I do my best to reduce my visits to “real” doctors.
Regards, Taetske
I must say that I am surprised. I did not know that medical costs are that high in other countries. It is very sad as most people don’t have that money and because of that they suffer. I must show this stats to my dad, he is a doctor and he will be shocked. Thanks for sharing this information with us.
Good Morning Daniel,
It is quite shocking when one compares prices between the countries. The countries where health care is so expensive cannot boast of a healthier population. A long time ago I read an article, forgot which city it was in the U.S. In that city, had the highest amount of cancer surgeons and sadly also the highest rate of cancer deaths. That really makes you think.
Thank you for your visit and leaving a comment.
Regards, Taetske
You brought up a good point here. People said that we have the best medical system, it is more expensive every year thus we are getting sicker. The air is one of the factor but I also yhink that the diet here in the States also plays the big factor for our health as well. Our portions are enormous when you compare it to other contries, and we eat mostly processed food.
I always choose to go for herbal (hollistic) approach rather than modern medicines. When I read the labels it made me cringe. The side effects are endless and they are in thise little fine prints. No thank you. I was diagnosed with a high cholesterol last year, my doctor was in a rush to put me on drugs. I told him right away, no thank you, you will see better numbers next time I visit. I changed my diet and work out regularly. I drink a lot of teas especially my homemade ginger tea.
Now I feel better and meda free!!
Good afternoon Nuttanee,
The costs for health care go up and the people are getting sicker, strange to say the least.
I think you are quite right to go the holistic way and skip all these chemicals. They have too many side effects.
We were given a brain so we should use it to investigate and then think what is best for ourselves, after all, we are responsible for our own health.
Thank you for your comment.
Regards, Taetske
I agree the cost is very high. I have friends living in countries where they should buy all the things necessary for surgery and on the top the medication. It’s really sad. All of us pay a monthly health contribution from your salaries, but when it’s about a health issue, you still have to pay. So frustrating.
I know cases when you go with an infection and you are sent back home with a paracetamol prescription. Go back after two days, the paracetamol is replaced with ibuprofen, and on the third visit, the patient is sent for in in-depth investigations. And for all this visits and medicine, the patient is paying.
Very informative article, thank you.
Good afternoon Dany,
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We should take better care of how we live and what we eat, like that a lot of visits to doctors can be avoided.
I have reduced my visits to the absolute minimum and feel good with it. Health care cost is not too bad in Spain but I have this private insurance for the emergency like breaking a leg not to run to the doctor every time I have a slight cold which I hardly have anyhow.
Regards, Taetske
A great article,
Coming from the UK I never realised how much health costs in America. I know that we are lucky in the UK with a great NHS system and I have always been very proud of it. As you mentioned Covid-19 has really changed things and people here in the UK have become so much more appreciative of all our Doctors, Nurses and everyone part of the NHS who have given their lives for others.
I completely agree with you about the fact that our lifestyle in many cases puts us in hospital with many diseases and we can really help ourselves take control of our health by eating better and exercising.
Thank you
Good Morning Imelda,
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I live in Spain and since many years I have a private Spanish health insurance. I am very pleased with it and cannot complain about their service or the 2 surgeries I had. I do try and keep a healthy lifestyle on my organic farm and am in a good shape for my 70 years. I do not take chemical pills only some supplements. All in all I have to be thankful and count my blessings.
Regards, Taetske
I 100% believe the state of health we are in is a direct reflection of the foods we eat and the toxins in all the products we use. Pharma is a HUGE business!! Can you imagine if natural approaches took over? The BILLIONS that would be lost in the Pharma? I don’t believe there is any way the cure for cancer, or other health diseases will be “found” due to this.
Thank you for such an in depth look at the reality of what is going on, the costs are unreal! Right before I read your article I paid off my sons medical bills from when he was sick 2 years ago!!! THOUSANDS in medical bills from testing and procedures and through all of that….. NO ANSWERS! Thankfully he is better (due to natural, whole food choices) but we were still left with well over $10,000 in debt.
Holistic is definitely a route people should try to go more often, take the power away from the robbery of western medicine.
Thank you for raising awareness!!
Good afternoon Sydney,
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Reading the first part of your comment it is as if I am saying this. All the good things that are available, often costing near to nothing, are kept hidden as Big Pharma cannot patent it. They do not have our health in mind they only see the $ sign.
Sorry to hear about your son and the debt you still have. I hope you will find the right protocol for him. You did not tell me what this being sick really meant so I cannot offer any idea. Holistic is the right way to look at things as everything is related.
Regards, Taetske
Andrea asarratori
I am so glad you have shared this Article . I am a Cancer survivor and have lost everything due to the cost of treatments and loosing my Job, which in turn let to not getting Unemployment since I was unable to work. I am from Europe and it always baffled me why getting ill is like a punishment here in the US. the alternative medicine is a way I am going and I appreciate your candidness about our health system you have shared in this article.
Good Morning Andrea,
I am sorry to hear about all that trouble you have gone through. The positive thing is you said you are a cancer survior. I am a firm believer that our modern life is the main culprit for all these ailments, cancer included. Bad air and water, man made foods loaded with toxins, etc. There are many factors that play a role, an important one is oxygen. We follow the protocol here at home. Incase you are interested you can send me an email and I will gladly forward the PDF I have.
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Regards, Taetske