A real Dilemma, to Vaccine or not?
Do you vaccinate your child or not? This is not a simple decision. Hopefully, this post will help you with what to do. To be informed is so important when making health choices.

Syringe and a Teddy Bear, image by Myriam Zilles
This is a very serious and sometimes contentious subject and it will impact how we address the needs of our children. They are the most susceptible part of the population but we give them vaccines very shortly after birth and in the first few years; We subject them to repeated exposure to potentially deadly diseases.
They make vaccines from dead or weakened disease cells. At times, a disease is kept in its live but weakened state in a solution containing a little mercury. Other contaminants include aluminum. These are only two of the toxins that can be in a single inoculation.
This is a YouTube video of 3 February 2019. Personally, I find it interesting to hear both sides of the issue.
The debate on Vaccines is far from over and additional evidence is becoming known all the time. Here you have some more videos that might be of your interest.
A must read
This important book by David Kirby is very disturbing and makes you wonder what is happening. Did you know that in 1987 1 child in 10.000 had Autism, but in the 1990s it was a staggering 1 child out of 166? What caused this awful rise in such a short time?
In this book, you will read how the medical establishment tries to deny “the evidence of harm”. The families with autistic children need their questions answered, they have this right.
Important Information
I recently received information on a seminar that world-renowned filmmaker and health advocate Ty Bollinger is sponsoring. This will look at the subject from both sides of the argument. Below is part of the email he sent out.
We’re about to witness the greatest health debate of the 21st century, and you’re definitely going to want to have a front-row seat for this.
It’s a topic that lights a fire under smart people on both sides of the issue.
Some say they’re mandatory, and some say they’re dangerous.
Tensions are rising from both camps, and our children are the ones caught in the middle.
The topics: Vaccines.

Nurse filling injection needle, image by Jason Taix
No matter where you fall on the spectrum of whether you think vaccines are helpful or harmful. The reality is that it’s become one of THE hot-button issues of our time.
People are truly passionate about their positions, and that… my friends is a HUGE part of the problem.
When emotion interferes with facts, the truth gets lost in the shuffle.
But there’s a new face leading the fight into the fray to try to separate fact from fiction and find the middle ground, where we can have an honest conversation about this…
Filmmaker and health freedom advocate Ty Bollinger has jumped headfirst into the choppy waters of the vaccine debate to investigate BOTH sides and find out what parents need to know to make the right decision for their kids.
He’s about to release the biggest, most comprehensive series ever created on the topic of vaccines, and you need to see it. Period.
There’s additional information here that you, your neighbors, and everybody in your community need to know about.
Click right here and get the full details about this explosive new documentary series and how you can watch the whole thing for FREE starting April 12th.
Here’s to finding the truth…

Bacteria, image by Wikilmages
We can all agree that we just want our children to be safe and that we don’t want to take chances with their health. Vaccine safety is a topic every parent needs to be informed and educated about — pros and cons — in order to make the best possible decision for your family. Click here to watch a free preview of “The Truth About Vaccines”.
I have made a special page for you with a collection of things you might find interesting. Do not leave before a brief visit to my page Recommendations.
Source: Ty Bollinger
Photo source: Pixabay
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You got great content to educate people about wellbeing. Its important people realize that being health is being wealth. The so called processed and GMO food if possible its good to avoid them. Thanks for sharing this great informative content keep it Up
Good evening Martin,
Thank you for your comment on my website. I think you are ever so right in saying that one’s health is one’s wealth because without health one can not enjoy everything life has to offer us. In America it is a big issue this GMO, in Europe, the threat is less big but we have to remain vigilant.
Regards, Taetske
Sujandar Mahesan
This article is really great. This has so much important information about vaccines, whether to use them or not for our children. I have been researching about this for a while now and this article brings up some really good points to think about. Thank you so much for sharing this article.
Good afternoon Sujandar,
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I am happy to hear you find my post helpful. This is not an easy issue, the best we can do is to be informed before making an important health decision.
Regards, Taetske
Hi Taetske,
I completely agree that babies shouldn’t be exposed to vaccines straight after birth. It just does not make sense to me. I mean the body is so small and weak and its get vaccinated straight away. I would let the immune system kick in for like a year or so and then maybe start slowly vaccinating against the lethal diseases.
I think by such an early vaccination, a lot of babies then suffer from allergies etc, because of this.
Great discussion,
Good afternoon Eugen.
I think that in general doctors will do their best and act according to their knowledge, but do they know everything? We have an obligation to take care of our bodies and that is why one should try to be as informed as possible. I also think that newborn babies should not be vaccinated too early and neither in these huge amounts.
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Regards, Taetske
Hello and thank you for this informative article. It was a really pleasant read. Where I am from, vaccinations are still obligatory and the parents have no say in it. Because of the recent events in USA regarding some vaccines causing autism and genetic mutations people have become untrustworthy.
I agree with your point, every individual should know and be properly informed about what each vaccine contains and why is it needed. Also there is a law preparing that vaccinations can only be done if the parents accept it.
I am closes to this option. Seems reasonable.
Good afternoon Strahinja,
Information comes first as we are responsible for our own health. It is too easy to say the doctor will fix the problem. We have been given a brain so let’s use it to think and investigate.
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Regards, Taetske
It’s amazing to think that this is even an issue. That parents or care givers even have to ponder at the need to vaccinate their children. Of course they do. I don’t think that is even a question. If they don’t, I just don’t think they care about their children, in my view. I know there are some people who have religious believes that get in the way of seeking medical care. Perhaps, this may explain why some care givers don’t go the medical care route. Not only religion, I know a child of a parent who died of cancer because her father believed she could cure herself of it by using ‘mind control’. In respect for her father’s believe, she did not seek medical treatment and died, the hard way.
Good Morning Reinaldo,
I understand and respect your point of view.
My problem is with all the things that go on in the background, things, we people, have no idea about. I have a problem with the FDA who has approved for medicine to come on the market which can harm us. In old times no mercury or aluminum was used. Where ever you look we are being poisoned. Pesticides in the food, the water is polluted, and the list goes on. To tell you the truth I am getting sick of this manipulation and that is why we have to defend ourselves. Being informed about things so we decide what happens. The argument: everybody is doing it, is of no value to me.
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Yes it is a real dilemma. The truth is that thank to vaccination there are several illness that have gone. Right now, my opinion is that there is abuse of vaccinations. For flu, oh my gosh! ! every season there is a new type of virus, that’s the reason I have never taken such vaccine. I linked “The Truth About Vaccines” it will help me as grandma 🙂
Good Morning Maria,
The Truth About Vaccines is an eye-opener. One should be well informed so to be able to make the right decision in our life. This applies to medical treatments, to food, water, and air, and a lot of other things.
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Regards, Taetske
Sondra M
Well, this post certainly made me stop and think. Granted, I am terrified of needles, so the pictures make me squirm – big time. That said, my children were vaccinated and they grew up into healthy, intelligent young men. I too was vaccinated as a child and have not had any major health issues in my life. Thank the Lord.
That said, I refuse to get vaccinated for the flu each year. As I mentioned above, I am scared of needles and do not like the idea of injecting anything into by body. If it has to be administered with a needle, I really do not want it. I am not into pills and over the counter medications either 90% of the time.
Now, I am not saying that I wish that my parents had not vaccinated me when I was younger. I tend to think that some vaccinations are important and have saved countless lives over the years.
But, as you mentioned – this is a topic that people many people are passionate about. When emotion, or refusal to admit that you might be wrong or confused, facts get lost in the shuffle.
This topic needs to be discussed. Thanks for bringing it up.
Good Morning Sondra,
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You are quite right not to take the flu shot as they are useless. These injections are made with the knowledge of the last flu but in the new year that flu has already mutated to something different so the shot is useless.
I am not afraid of needles but I am afraid of modern medicine and the side effects. When I was small, now 68 years ago, the vaccinations had different ingredients. Nowadays they mix in a lot of stuff I do not want in my body.
Anyhow, the main thing is information, honest information and that is sadly lacking in our society.
Regards, Taetske
Vaccinations are such a controversial topic that it is great to see your post on it. I think that certain vaccines are essential, like polio, if it is going to prevent debilitating diseases or even death. I am concerned about the mixes of more than one vaccine that is given to babies at a very young age., but I do see both sides of the argument.
I do feel that vaccines should not be compulsory, that would take away the control that we have over our own bodies. You have brought up some great points to consider.
Good Morning Line,
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I am also concerned about mixing different vaccines into one big shot. Babies and little children get much more nowadays than in the past. I wish they would come with a “natural” way of combatting these diseases, but that would not make Big Pharma happy. Money comes before health.
Regards, Taetske
Thank you Taetske, for informing about this important topic. I am very sceptical concerning vaccinations. I also reccomend parents to be cautious and inform themselves before they decide their children get vaccinated. For myself I avoid vaccines. Dread the Covid virus.I suppose there will be much pressure on people when a vaccine against the virus has been developed.
Good Morning Pernilla,
Thank you for your visit and for your comment on my post. I hope you downloaded your free PDF? Tulip widget.
When I was small things were different. Babies would not be attacked by multiple vaccines all at once. The composition has also changed over time and really dangerous substances were added.
With Covid-19 it will be taken one step further. I am not feeling at ease seeing what is happening in the world. Be vigilant.
Regards, Taetske