by Taetske | 4:28 pm

Scandalous Discovery Asbestos Found In Children’s Makeup

  The danger of asbestos to your health     What is asbestos The name asbestos refers to six naturally occurring silicate minerals. The fact that it is found in nature does not automatically

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by Taetske | 4:33 pm

Information On The 3 New GMO Products

  Have you heard about the GMO potato?   . I received an email from “GMOs Revealed” and read an amazing story Before telling you the story though, I would like to tell you

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by Taetske | 4:07 pm

Sleeping Habits How To Improve For Better Health

How your sleeping habits reflect your health     It is quite amazing but our modern lifestyle does not really promote health-giving sleep. People do not seem to realize how important sleep actually is

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by Taetske | 12:14 pm

Wine And Its Mysteries The Benefits And Side Effects

  Do you know what is in your wine?     “Wine is sunlight, held together by water”- Galileo is credited with this quote. Now one should not forget that Galileo was born on

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by Taetske | 2:25 pm

How A Pet In Your Life Is Good For Your Health

  Have you ever thought of having a pet in your life?     Having a companion, a cat, dog or other animals can warm your heart and help you to not feel lonely.

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by Taetske | 5:48 pm

Information On The 5 Best Diets For Your Health

  How to cope with the abundance of diets out there     I think there will be hardly anybody who has not tried a diet at least once in their lives. Especially in

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by Taetske | 2:53 pm

Your Heart The Importance Of Oral Health

  Your Oral Health and its Heart connection     To have nice looking teeth is something most people want. They occupy a very prominent place in our face and you cannot really hide

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by Taetske | 4:27 pm

Amazing Benefits Of Warm And Cold Water For Your Health

  The many differences between drinking cold and warm water   I live in the south of Spain and in the summer, it can get boiling, like 40C. When it gets that hot, there

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by Taetske | 2:14 pm

Why Are These 11 Banned Additives In The American Food?

  There seems to be a big difference, food-wise, between Europe and the U.S.A.   Additives in the food that are banned in Europe because they are considered dangerous for our health will still

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by Taetske | 4:05 pm

Innovative New Technology For Fruits And Vegetables

  Apeel Sciences puts an extra peel on produce   How a new procedure makes fruits and vegetables last longer and stays fresh I personally think that all those things which help the environment

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